


86 사진가 그레고리 크류드슨 (Gregory Crewdson) (미국현대사진가전-일상) 1
2002-10-28 181214
Gregory Crewdson Born: 1962, Brooklyn, NY B.A., SUNY Purchase, New York, 1985; M.F.A. Yale School of Art, Yale University, New Haven Connecticut, 1988 Lives and works in New Haven, Connecticut Gregory Crewdson’s carefully staged photographs ...  
85 사진가 티나 바니 (Tina Barney) (미국현대사진가전-일상) 1
2002-10-28 46189
Tina Barney (1945) was born to a wealthy American upper-class family. Her personal family relations are recorded in large images. Thus we become spectators to the lives of Barney's family and friends. However, colourful images transcend soci...  
84 사진가 리차드 반즈 (Richard Barnes) (미국현대사진가전-일상)
2002-10-28 33613
Richard Barnes San Francisco-based photographer Richard Barnes' work touches on themes of archeology and architecture -- the relationship we have to our history, the ways we collect and catalogue its residue, how we create and utilize the sp...  
83 사진가 로나 심슨 (Lorna Simpson) (미국현대사진가전-정체성) 1
2002-10-28 88848
Although Lorna Simpson was trained in traditional photography techniques at the School of Visual Arts in New York, she began early on to explore more innovative approaches to the medium. She expanded the possibilities for black-and-white ph...  
82 사진가 루카스 사마라스 (Lucas Samaras) (미국현대사진가전-정체성) 1
2002-10-28 45843
Lucas Samaras Born 1936 Painter, Photographer, Sculptor American Lucas Samaras was already known as a sculptor, painter, and performance artist when he began experimenting with photography. In his early work, which includes multi-media assem...  
81 사진가 리차드 프린스 (Richard Prince) (미국현대사진가전-현실)
2002-10-28 51439
Health Study The News & Observer (Raleigh, NC) July 19, 2000 By Thomasi McDonald, Rachel Rinaldo Soon after Hurricane Floyd's floodwaters receded in the historic town of Princeville, former Mayor Glennie Matthewson started raising questi...  
80 사진가 빅 무니즈 (Vik Muniz) (미국현대사진가전-현실) 1
2002-10-28 190871
Creative Time presents Clouds, Vik Muniz's public art project which coincides with his show at the Whitney Museum of American Art and the premiere of a full-length documentary about his work. Four times during a six day period, starting Febr...  
79 사진가 에드워드 스타이켄 (Edward Steichen)
2002-10-27 30150
스타이켄은 룩셈브루크 출신으로 1879년에 태어났다. 그는 스티글리츠와 함께 291번지에서 사진분리파 화랑을 만들었고 1908년에는 파리로 가서 광고사진에 매진한다. <노피곰닷넷의 이원균입니다.> 이차 세계대전때에는 미국의 사진부대 지휘관으로 종군, 전...  
78 사진가 아드리안 파이퍼 (Adrian Piper) (미국현대사진가전-정체성) 1
2002-10-25 38445
letter from milan: an interview with adrian piper by Franklin Sirmans Adrian Piper has been producing and showing her Conceptual art since the late 1960s, but her exhibition late last year at the Emi Fontana Gallery in Milan was the first o...  
77 사진가 애나 멘디에타 (ANA MENDIETA) (미국현대사진가전-정체성) 1
2002-10-25 33331
ANA MENDIETA Although Ana Mendieta (Havana 1948-New York 1985) is now an indisputable international reference in the artworld, her person and her works remain largely unknown. In her active, but tragically short life Ana Mendieta built up a...  
76 사진가 글렌 라이곤 (Glenn Ligon) (미국현대사진가전-정체성)
2002-10-25 64493
Glenn Ligon Colored by Roberta Smith Published in The New York Times, May 11, 2001 Periodically, Glenn Ligon seems to rebel against the austere format of his best-known work, as if to imply that making angry yet seductive black-on-black and ...  
75 사진가 마사 로슬러 (Martha Rosler) (미국현대사진가전-현실)
2002-10-25 435576
FEAR, BOREDOM, AND SPEED: Martha Rosler's Flying Lessons Essay by Grant Kester Unclaimed Baggage In his influential book Art (1913), Clive Bell, one of the foremost English supporters of Postimpressionism, singles out for particular abuse t...  
74 사진가 캐서린 와그너 (Catherine Wagner) (미국현대사진가전-현실) 1
2002-10-24 28056
The STEPHEN WIRTZ GALLERY is pleased to announce it will now be representing the work of CATHERINE WAGNER. This will be her first exhibition with the gallery. This 20-year survey exhibition will feature a cross-section of photographs from W...  
73 사진가 로리 시몬스 (Laurie Simmons) (미국현대사진가전-현실) 1
2002-10-24 383224
Laurie Simmons began experimenting with photography in the early 1970s; today her work, which was foundational for both feminist and post-conceptual photography, continues to push the boundaries of her field. Simmons earned her B.F.A. from T...  
72 사진가 조엘 스텐펠드 (Joel Sternfeld) (미국현대사진가전-일상) 1
2002-10-24 60030
Sternfeld’s work of the 1980’s carries forward the passionate pursuit of Walker Evans from the 1930’s and Robert Frank in the 1950’s: a unique vision of culture, place and character - an essence of America. Focusing on the odd yet increasin...  
71 사진가 윌리암 이글스턴 (William Eggleston) (미국현대사진가전-일상) 1
2002-10-24 288832
By Stanley Booth Sept. 7, 1999 | William Eggleston, now 60 years old, seems securely attached to the title "Father of Color Photography." Maybe the word "color" should be modified by "art" or "artistic," because of course he didn't invent th...  
70 사진가 루이스 발츠 (Lewis Baltz) (미국현대사진가전-일상) 1
2002-10-24 84441
Lewis Baltz Naples, 22 January 1998 "Subjects and objects of the new technological culture" SUMMARY: Baltz never had any profound loyalty to the idea of photography as a medium but simply as the most efficient way of making or recording an i...  
69 사진가 로버트 아담스 (Robert Adams) (미국현대사진가전-일상) 2 file
2002-10-24 70558
유명한 대표적 현대(1970년대) 풍경 사진가입니다. 많이 연구되어지기도 하고, 거론되기도 하고, 하여간 유명한 사진가입니다. 저 개인적으로는 별로 안 좋아합니다. 그러나 그의 작품을 직접 보게 된다면 생각이 달라질지도 모르겠네요. 위의 사진은 초...  
68 사진가 샐리 만 (Sally Mann) (미국현대사진가전-일상) 2
2002-10-23 18414
여기 올라간 셜리 만의 사진은 1997년 작품입니다. 유명해진 셜리 만의 사진은 자기 아이들을 촬영한 것이었지요. 며칠전에 보았던 다큐멘타리에서의 셜리 만의 작업은 바늘구멍 카메라를 입에 넣고선 촬영하는 것이었습니다. 자연을 촬영하고 친구를 촬영하...  
67 사진가 데이빗 레빈탈 (David Levinthal) (미국현대사진가전-현실)
2002-10-23 13213
인형을 가지고 사진을 촬영하네요. 포콩과는 다른 분위기이지만... 폴라로이드로 20x24로 찍어내는데.. 엄청나군요.. 사진을 가져오기는 하였지만 작가 홈페이지를 꼭 확인하세요.. 잘 만들어 놓았습니다. 출처 - http://davidlevinthal.com  
66 사진가 셰리 래빈 (Sherrie Levine) (미국현대사진가-현실) 2
2002-10-23 15303
Sherrie Levine's BARCHAM GREEN PORTFOLIO is a set of five etchings made at Crown Point Press in 1986. In each of these prints, the artist objectifies a cultural icon, and in doing so she raises questions about the originality and the nature...  
65 사진가 바바라 크루거 (Barbara Kruger) (미국현대사진가-현실) 2
2002-10-23 120166
여류사진가로서 텍스트를 가장 강력히, 이미지의 전달에 사용하는 작가입니다. Barbara Kruger was born in Newark, New Jersey, 1945 as an only child. She studied at Syracuse University, Parsons School of Design, and the School of Visual Arts in N...  
64 사진가 바바라 카스텐 (Barbara Kasten) (미국현대사진가전-현실) 3
2002-10-15 22859
Barbara Kasten is perhaps best known for her large-scale photographs of well known architectural sites. Her recent works focus on the artifacts of ancient cultures. The work featured here includes examples of these archaeological investigat...  
63 사진가 로버트 F. 하이네켄 (Robert F. Heinecken) (미국현대사진가전-현실) 1
2002-10-15 46736
The Artist: Robert Heinecken was born in Denver, Colorado in 1931. He studied at Riverside College in California and received B.A. and M.A. degrees from the University of California. In 1960, he became a Professor of Art at U.C.L.A., where h...  
2002-10-15 94652
EILEEN COWIN by Jody Zellen (The Armory Center of the Arts, Pasadena) Twenty-seven years of work by the photographer/video artist Eileen Cowin is presented in the retrospective exhibition Still (and all). Cowin makes photographic works that ...  
61 사진가 필립-로카 디 코르시아 (Philip-Lorca diCorcia) (미국현대사진가전-현실) 1
2002-10-15 437197
Biography Formation 1979 Yale University, New Haven, M.F.A. 1976 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Post Graduate Certificate. 1975 School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Diploma. Awards 1989 Artist Fellowship, National Endowment...  
60 사진가 비자 셀민스 (Vija Celmins) (미국현대사진가전-현실)
2002-10-13 269530
Vija Celmins (b. 1939) was born in Riga, Latvia. With her family, she fled Riga in 1944, spending her childhood as a refugee in both the Eastern and Western sectors of war-ravaged Germany, before coming to the U.S. with the help of Church Wo...  
59 사진가 존 코플란즈 (JOHN COPLANS) (미국현대사진가전-정체성) 2
2002-10-13 40065
In 1980, at the age of 60, London native John Coplans became a photographer, forsaking a long and influential career as a writer, curator and founding editor of Artforum and Dialogue art magazines. In 1984 he turned the camera on himself and...  
58 사진가 쳉퀑치 (Tseng Kwong Chi) (미국현대사진가전-정체성) 1
2002-10-13 45845
유명한 관광지에서 셀프 포츠레이트를 촬영하는 사진가입니다. Born in Hong Kong, Tseng Kwong Chi left the English protectorate in his formative years and ended up living and studying in both Vancouver, B.C. and Paris. In 1979 Tseng moved and se...  
57 사진가 해리 캘라한 (Harry Callaha) 1
2002-10-13 12348
제가 가지고 있는 해리 캘라한의 사진집 2권중의 한권입니다. 제목은 HARRY CALLAHAN 이고 Fundacion "la Caixa" 에서 나온 사진집입니다. 다른 사진집보다 도판이 약간 더 크군요..